Apps for women traveling alone

See the apps that will make your solo trip safer, more fun and peaceful


Women who travel alone already know that planning a trip is much more than not forgetting to pack clothes or skin care products. This planning is present in every detail of our stay away from home, such as choosing a good hotel and travel itinerary.

Of course, we cannot fail to highlight another important factor, which is security. Knowing whether the place and surrounding area where you are staying is really safe should be a priority. After all, you are traveling to create positive experiences, not traumas, in your life.


But how can you prepare well for your trip?

A good way is to have apps for women who travel alone on your cell phone. You need to choose apps that focus on your safety, which have, for example, real-time location and emergency buttons. It is also important to have a platform that offers you information about the place you are traveling.

As there are many apps that cannot be missing from your smartphone on your next trip, we have put together a list of four apps that should help you have the best experience when you decide to leave your home and venture into a different city, state or country.


MayDay Safety

Image: Google Play

MayDay Safety is an excellent application for sending emergency alerts to people you trust, regardless of where you are. Just don't forget to leave your smartphone's location activated so that all the information about where you are is passed on to your contact so they can help you.

Did you know that emergency teams sometimes cannot pinpoint your location accurately? This is because the resources they have only show an approximate location. So, to avoid taking this risk, you must protect yourself throughout your trip with MayDay Safety.

To give you an idea of the level of this platform, it was developed by US Special Operations veterans. In this sense, MayDay Safety brings tools and technology used to track events on the battlefield and puts them in your hands so you feel protected wherever you are.

Read too: Doing makeup is much easier with these 5 apps!

Available for iOS and Android systems, on App Store It is Google Play.

Open Table

Image: Google Play

Changing the tone of your trip a little, let's talk about another much-needed app for women traveling alone, which is Open Table. When we travel, one of the most important parts is trying the local cuisine, especially if we are traveling to a culture very different from our own.

Nobody wants to leave home and spend money on food that they have access to every day and that's where Open Table comes in. This platform helps you find the best restaurants near wherever you are. There, you can use price filters and dietary restrictions, if you have any, to find the perfect place to have dinner on your trip.

A very interesting point about Open Table is that it allows users to take photos of menus and dishes from restaurants they have been to and attach them to the app. This way, you get to know in greater detail not only what is available in the hottest restaurant where you are, but whether the “face” of the food is good. And of course, keep an eye on the reviews.

Available for iOS and Android systems, on App Store It is Google Play.


Image: Google Play

Women know how complicated it is to travel and feel that urge to go to the bathroom. Whether it's hydrating ourselves with water or drinking a beer, this physiological need can appear and leave you feeling dizzy, but with Flush Toilet Finder you can solve this problem and see your bladder emptying very quickly. 

Flush Toilet Finder was created to be a simple way to find a public bathroom. You just need to keep the location active and open the app. It will show you the bathrooms closest to you. In addition to being a free app, it already has more than 200 thousand bathrooms in the database. 

With Flush Toilet Finder, you can also place filters to find out details of nearby toilets. For example, if it has access for disabled people, if there is a user fee or if you need a key. You can also add new bathrooms when you see one near you. This way, it helps other women. 

Available for iOS and Android systems, on App Store It is Google Play.

Nomad Her

Image: Google Play

Nomad Her is an app made for women who want to travel alone, but are afraid. The simple fact of being a woman makes you wonder if it's not dangerous to leave your house without anyone. So, if you worry about security, cost and loneliness, and end up not achieving that independence, you've come to the right place.

Traveling alone does not mean that at all times of your trip you will not have anyone by your side. So, if you want to travel without worrying about loneliness on occasions when you want to share or discover new cultures, use Nomad Her to create meetings with other women traveling alone.

So that the cost of the trip is no longer a concern for you, count on the help of the app to organize your trip, with tips on places that are good value for money. For your safety, Nomad Her shares the details you should pay attention to to stay protected wherever you are. It also protects your personal information on the platform.

Available for iOS and Android systems, on App Store It is Google Play.

Make the most of your trip!

Women who travel alone can be more independent and feel more confident when they go through this experience. Furthermore, taking time just for yourself is important for personal knowledge and so that you can only enjoy what interests you. 

So, throw yourself into this universe and count on the help of the applications we present in the text so that everything turns out perfectly as you deserve. 

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Pedro Bala

I am a senior writer with almost 30 years of experience in radio journalism departments, advertising production studios, news portals and various blogs. Currently, I am content director at Job Holding, CEO of the Bolha Crypto portal, screenwriter at Invicto Solar and host of the Bolha Crypto Drops podcast on Spotify.

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