Applications that will help you monitor your sleep

Discover the apps that are true allies for a good night's sleep


Monitoring your sleep is very important to know its quality. After all, a bad night's sleep can lead to several problems, such as stress, anxiety, lack of attention and even contribute to weight gain. But it's not just that. If you don't sleep well for long periods, the consequences can be more serious.

Did you know that sleepless nights can increase your chances of being involved in serious accidents, such as traffic accidents? Additionally, they can cause you to develop chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, strokes and even depression, which are also symptoms of sleep deprivation.


But how to improve the quality of your sleep?

Firstly, create a sleep routine and make an effort to follow it every day, including on weekends, even if you have to give up your nights out and focus on going for walks during the day. This reminds us of another suggestion: expose yourself to the sun. This way, you can keep your circadian cycle in harmony and sleep better.

In addition to taking care of your routine, try listening to music to sleep, especially on busy days. To deal with sleep disorders, if this is your case, avoid caffeinated and alcoholic drinks before bed, exercise regularly and keep your room dark.


So that you can complete these steps, you can count on the help of apps to monitor your sleep. In this sense, we have put together a list of five apps in this area for you.

Sleep Cycle: Sleep Tracker

Image: Google Play

Have you ever woken up groggy and without energy, even after 8 hours of sleep? If the answer is yes, Sleep Cycle is here to put an end to those days of your life. This app analyzes your night's sleep and also offers excellent features, such as music for deep sleep and meditation for sleep.

And you don't need to make major settings for the app to monitor your sleep. Just place your phone next to your bed and let Sleep Cycle's patented artificial intelligence technology do the rest. It uses the microphone to detect your movements and sounds, identifying the phases of your sleep, including REM sleep.

Available for iOS and Android systems, on App Store It is Google Play.

Pillow: Sleep Tracker 

Image: Google Play

If you need help sleeping, Pillow is a good choice. After all, this platform uses your smartphone's sensors, such as an accelerometer and microphone, to monitor your movements and sounds during sleep. This way, it can provide you with information, through reports, about the qualities of your nights and the internships you spent there.

Furthermore, the platform uses the information collected to provide you with personalized recommendations so you can rest better. Those who enjoy relaxing music to sleep will love knowing that Pillow has classic, ambient, nature and binaural music to make your nights perfect.

Available for iOS and Android systems, on App Store It is Google Play.


Image: Google Play

If you need a helping hand to get a deep night's sleep, you can count on the help of SleepScore. It measures body movements and breathing during the period you sleep and provides you with insights into the patterns you exhibit during your nights.

A cool detail about SleepScore is that it can help you identify signs of sleep apnea, which is a disease that can cause excessive snoring, frequent awakenings during the night and daytime drowsiness. In addition, the platform also offers personalized advice to improve sleep, based on information collected from your nights.

Available for iOS and Android systems, on App Store It is Google Play.

Read too: 4 best guided meditation apps to have on your cell phone

Sleepzy – Alarm Clock 

Image: Google Play

With Sleepzy, you can regulate your sleep time. To do this, the platform monitors your nighttime patterns, waking you up during the lightest phase of sleep. Additionally, the app provides statistics about the quality of your night. It also uses your cell phone's microphone to identify the moments when you are going through light, deep and REM sleep.

Another point that we find very positive about this platform is its additional snoring tracker features and dream radio. The latter uses music generated by artificial intelligence and even mesmerizing images to help you fall asleep. Therefore, you will have no difficulty waking up feeling rested.

Available for iOS and Android systems, on App Store It is Google Play.


Image: App Store

AutoSleep is another app that will allow you to monitor your sleep and also be a natural aid for you to sleep better. This platform uses movement and heart rate data to provide a detailed analysis of the quality of your nights.

As the app maps your sleep in real time, it can provide details about deep sleep, time awake and even a sleep quality index. In addition to providing you with bedtime notifications, AutoSleep also helps you identify sleep problems, such as insomnia or excessive daytime sleepiness.

Available for iOS system, on App Store

Ready to sleep?

As you have seen, you can use your cell phone to sleep well, however strange it may seem. Choose one of the apps from our list to monitor your sleep, grab some bedtime tea and have a restful night. No more stress and headaches the next day! 

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Pedro Bala

I am a senior writer with almost 30 years of experience in radio journalism departments, advertising production studios, news portals and various blogs. Currently, I am content director at Job Holding, CEO of the Bolha Crypto portal, screenwriter at Invicto Solar and host of the Bolha Crypto Drops podcast on Spotify.

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