Learn to identify birds with these apps

Birds: a world of beauty and diversity for you to explore


If you love the world of winged animals, you already know that identifying birds is not an easy task. After all, there are more than 20,000 species. So how do you know the complete list of birds? If our brain can't record everything, we need help from technology.

In this sense, bird watching apps can be very useful. They have a registry of the most varied types of birds. So, whenever you go out birdwatching or come across one that you can't identify, you can simply use a local app to find out which animal you're seeing.


The best apps for identifying birds

Applications that help you know which bird you are seeing have artificial intelligence technology to compare a photo of a bird with a database of images available in your data. But it's not just that; they can also identify by sound. Therefore, simply record the animal's song to know which species it is.

We've put together a list of five apps for identifying birds so you don't get stuck when you see bird nests or even water birds, and you don't just have to worry about which species you're seeing.



Image: Google Play

eBird Mobile helps you identify common birds. If you walk through fields a lot and always see birds that you can't identify, just use this platform. There are thousands of birds registered around the world, strengthening the app's database.

If you are a more experienced bird watcher, you can add birds you find to eBird with written characteristics of what you know about them. This way, you will contribute to the app's community of researchers, who use this information in scientific research.

Available for iOS and Android systems, on App Store It is Google Play.

Birds of North America: Sounds

Image: App Store

If you are a bird watcher and spend time walking around seeing different species, such as types of bluebirds or the largest birds in the world, Birds of North America is perfect to help you identify these birds. This is because it has more than 240 species registered on its platform, in addition to more than 1600 quality sounds.

This way, it's easy to know which feathered animal you're seeing, right? Just remember that when using the platform you need to record the bird's song for at least 10 seconds. After all, the longer the application records the singing, the more accurate the recognition will be. If you are doing photo identification, try to get a complete image of the bird.

Available for iOS system, on App Store.

iBird Pro Guide to Birds

Image: App Store

With iBird Pro, you can identify birds even without internet. So, if you're walking in a remote place and you see gray birds, but you have no idea what species they are, this app can act as an ornithologist for you. Furthermore, the platform's database is very extensive.

Another highlight of this application is that it has an advanced search feature. This way, you can identify birds like a professional, as there are more than 35 attributes, such as GPS location, color, habitat, beak shape and song type, so you know quickly and accurately which bird you have seen.

Available for iOS system, on App Store.

Read too: Track your physical activities with these apps

Picture Bird

Identificar Aves

Image: Google Play

Picture Bird is an app that helps you identify birds of all types, from waders to raptors. Just send him a photo or take a photo within the app, and he will do the rest.

One of the highlights of Picture Bird is its database with thousands of bird species, which makes it very accurate in identifications. If you want to learn more about birds and get help from experts in the field, it's worth subscribing to the app's premium plan.

Available for iOS and Android systems, on App Store It is Google Play.

Merlin BirdID

Identificar Aves

Image: Google Play

Was walking around and saw brown birds, wondering what species they are? Download Merlin, as this app helps you quickly identify birds through photos and sounds. In fact, if you want, you can use this platform to explore a specific region and find out which birds exist there.

Merlin also stands out for offering tips from experts in the field and helping you develop bird watching skills. There are more than a thousand registered birds, so you won't lack material to learn about this universe.

Available for iOS and Android systems, on App Store It is Google Play.

Ready to find out once and for all which bird sings in your garden?

As you have seen, you no longer need to carry a bird encyclopedia to be able to identify birds. With the applications we present, you can do this without complications and, even better, quickly.

When it comes to birds, every second counts to identify them. This is because the chances of them flying or running when they see a human being are high. So, download an app from our list now and find out which bird is the one you hear singing so much, but haven't been able to figure out which species it is.

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Pedro Bala

I am a senior writer with almost 30 years of experience in radio journalism departments, advertising production studios, news portals and various blogs. Currently, I am content director at Job Holding, CEO of the Bolha Crypto portal, screenwriter at Invicto Solar and host of the Bolha Crypto Drops podcast on Spotify.

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