Learn languages with these gamification-focused apps 

Paper and pen to study? No thanks.


Fun and learning need to go together. This is the only way to maintain students' interest, especially on days of great stress and physical and mental exhaustion. For you to learn languages the right way, there's nothing better than having the best mobile apps.

Advantages of learning remotely 

Curious about the benefits behind this initiative? Here are some of them: 


  • Interactivity: To help you learn languages faster, how about interacting with native people? This type of contact is essential for improving your accent and accelerating learning exponentially; 
  • Flexibility: Most people's daily routine is quite busy, with very restricted schedules. Mobile applications, on the other hand, provide much greater versatility in schedules; 
  • Price: In-person language courses can be quite expensive; in some cases, prohibitive. However, online modules tend to be much more accessible; 
  • Competition: The variety of language apps is impressive. This makes them all compete for a share of the market by competing for the best price. 
  • Customization: Choose how and when to study. This is fundamental in the lives of most people, especially those who work a lot throughout the day and need to balance part of their available time with their family. 

Learn languages with these apps 

Now that you've learned about some of the main advantages of these applications, it's time to get to know some of them. Try them out and stick with the one that best suits your needs.


Image: App Store 


Learn languages through the most awarded app in the world. Preply is very well optimized, runs well on practically any mobile device and has a revolutionary, fun and engaging methodology through gamification. 

The application operates in more than 180 countries. This means there are more than 35 thousand tutors and around 50 languages to learn from the comfort of your home. All learning is personalized. Its algorithm recommends the best tutors according to your profile and level of knowledge. 

All classes are individual. Therefore, all the tutor's attention is directed to you during the course. If you didn't like the class, that's okay. Simply notify the platform of your dissatisfaction and request a free exchange. 

As expected, both the budget and schedules are agreed in advance. Therefore, everything can be aligned according to your daily routine, without generating conflicts. 

The only “negative” point about Preply is its price. It can be somewhat high, depending on the chosen tutor and the language. However, if this is not a barrier for you, download it right now and learn languages within an award-winning and internationally recognized platform.


Image: The Secret of Tongues 

Duolingo is probably the best option for you to learn languages without spending a single penny on it. That's what you read! All features of the application are open to users for free.

Read too: Ergonomics apps for those who work from home

One of its main features is the fact that it mixes games with lessons, which makes everything more immersive and engaging. In total, there are more than 40 languages for you to learn. The lessons, in general, are all quick and very short. 

Using Duolingo's algorithm, you will be able to practice pronouncing, listening and writing your favorite languages. All, of course, designed by true language experts.  

This powerful app is loved by tens of millions of people around the world. If you want to mix pleasure with business without spending money on it, don't worry. Duolingo will probably serve you well.


Image: Apple Search Ads 

This powerful app allows you to learn languages through interactive lessons, designed to fit into very tight spaces in your schedule. There are more than 50 languages to learn: German, English, Spanish, Turkish, Swedish, whatever: there is no shortage of options.

In general, the lessons are very short: they take about 15 minutes to complete. It is important to practice them on a daily basis, obviously, to establish knowledge. Try talking to natives or practicing reading in the language you are learning; These are two of the best ways to quickly get used to the pronunciation. 

Its main focus is conversation. Everything is aimed at making you able to speak with native speakers with excellence. Your application has a speech recognition algorithm, trained to evaluate your pronunciation and suggest improvements, if necessary. 


Image: App Store 

Connect with people around the world, learn languages through fun and interactive tools and share your achievements over time with whoever you want. Can you imagine saying how incredible your trip to France was due to your fluency in the language?! 

Recently, developers introduced HelloTalk Live and HelloTalk Voicerooms. This way, you can enjoy live broadcasts, all taught by great language experts, and learn about their habits and culture. 

Your learning journey can be completely personalized through 1-1 Language Lessons. Choose qualified tutors to teach you everything you need. 

Hello! Are you ready for more?

Time to put your knowledge to the test. Learn languages anywhere, anytime and save a lot of money through these incredible mobile apps. 

Gamification is part of all of them. This means that you will learn and, at the same time, have great fun in front of the screen. Combining the useful with the pleasant is always a good idea, don’t you agree?! 

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Rafael Motta

Journalist, speaker, advertiser, CEO of the Três Pontos Comunicação agency and passionate about technology. I worked as editor-in-chief at some of the biggest news portals specializing in blockchain. Innovation is what moves me every day.

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