Basic Food Basket Assistance: how to apply

Find out how to request Basic Food Basket Aid and start accessing this social benefit


Auxílio Cesta Básica is a social program approved by the Federal Government of Brazil since August 2023, and to know how to request it, you must first understand more about the initiative. In general, this benefit works as one of the segments and an extension of Bolsa Família, also focusing on families in vulnerable situations.

Despite its name, the Auxílio Cesta Básica Program does not function as a common food distribution action, such as that carried out during Christmas campaigns or by charitable institutions. Even though its target audience is a broad contingent of Brazilians, there are specific rules for the audience considered eligible.


How do I request Basic Basket Aid?

Basically, to request Basic Basket Aid, you must be registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico), with all data updated correctly. Therefore, interested parties who wish to know how to request the benefit should contact the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) nearest to find out about the registration procedures.

In this search process in the region itself, citizens can find out whether they are eligible and also whether the program is available in the state. With CRAS guidelines, it is important that citizens access the State Government website and fill out a specific form to receive the benefit.


Commonly, each form requests a set of specific information. However, most request an identity document, proof of residence, work card and some type of proof of current professional activity. Therefore, have these documents on hand when filling out.

This entire process is fundamental because the Basic Basket Aid is not a program linked to the Department of Development and Social Assistance (MDS). In other words, it does not work like another government program linked to the Federal Government.

In reality, the benefit is paid by the state government. This means that only policyholders who reside in some municipalities are eligible to receive it, as not all local governments have adhered to this Bolsa Família supplement.

In general, each state has established a set of specific rules for granting this benefit. Therefore, it is essential that citizens considered eligible and beneficiaries of Bolsa Família consult this information.

This way, they do not run the risk of losing value due to lack of information, for example. As previously mentioned, it is possible to carry out this consultation procedure at CRAS or even at city hall service centers.

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Imagem de uma família no mercadoImage: Reproduction/Pexels

How does the aid work?

Firstly, the Auxílio Cesta Básica Program serves families in situations of socioeconomic vulnerability already registered with Bolsa Família. This means that all registrants are eligible to receive the benefit, as long as the state government of the region in which they reside has adhered to the supplement.

In this context, the value of the Basic Food Basket Aid is R$ 150 per month, focusing on families with up to 5 members and always thinking about the process of purchasing basic foods. The other eligibility requirements follow the same parameters as Bolsa Família.

Because of this, families with a maximum income of up to three minimum wages are eligible, according to the national minimum wage in force in the year of payment of the Basic Basket Aid. In addition to registering in the Single Registry, interested citizens must prove the need to receive the aid.

This is done through documents such as the socioeconomic form filled out during the first registration, and subsequent updates, from CadÚnico. Therefore, registration to receive the basic food basket follows a specific system determined by the Federal Government in conjunction with state governments.

In all cases, beneficiaries receive a food card, which will cover the monthly amount to purchase a basic food basket. Currently, payments for the program are made by Caixa Econômica Federal, the paying institution for the main social programs in force.

Auxílio Cesta Básica como solicitarImage: Reproduction/Pexels

Who can and cannot receive Basic Basket Aid?

Firstly, there are several citizens who currently receive Basic Basket Aid. According to information from the Government of São Paulo, for example, more than 2 million basic food baskets are distributed monthly to those considered eligible.

Broadly speaking, the main beneficiaries of this income transfer supplement are third sector workers. This includes street vendors, market vendors, taxi drivers, app drivers, school transport workers and even tourist guides.

On the other hand, Bolsa Família, and Auxílio Cesta Básica as a result, establish some prohibitions in relation to who can or cannot receive payments. Therefore, the following audiences do not receive this benefit:

  • citizens who receive social security benefits from the so-called Social Security, or INSS, including retirement and unemployment insurance;
  • citizens enrolled in other income transfer programs, except Bolsa Família;
  • public servants, active or retired
  • citizens enrolled in other active benefits, such as the Financial Assistance Program for Unemployed Professionals in the Bar, Restaurant and Related Sector;
  • families that received any type of monthly income in the last year.

So, did you enjoy learning more about the Auxílio Cesta Básica program?

Above all, this initiative is part of the efforts of the Federal Government and state governments to assist Brazilian families in situations of social vulnerability. More than a financial aid, it is an important social emancipation movement for the country's development.

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Cecilia Fernandes

Journalist and Audiovisual Producer specializing in Content and Storytelling. Candanga by birth, raised in Goiás.

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