What effects does coffee have on the human body?

How about a hot and tasty cup?


Who has never taken a coffee break in the middle of the street? Everyday life is usually quite tiring and busy; A cup may be all you need to cheer yourself up and continue your tasks with a smile on your face.

A brief history about coffee

There is no one hundred percent conclusive documentation when it comes to the origin of coffee. It is believed, however, that the story began in Ethiopia, in the 7th century, when a goat herder, known as Kaldi, noticed that his animals became more excited after chewing fruits and leaves of Arabic coffee.


Kaldi would have told what happened to a local monk, who decided to carry out the experiment himself. Impressed by its stimulating effects, he decided he would try to create a drink, which became so successful that it quickly spread across the African continent and the Middle East.

Coffee arrived in Europe in the mid-16th century and quickly became popular. Italian traders introduced the delicacy to several other countries. Italy's coffee shops are considered one of the best in the world to this day.


But it was in the 18th century that coffee finally arrived in the Americas. Brazil is considered one of the largest (and best) coffee producers on the entire planet, in addition to being part of the basic food basket of a large part of the population.

Where is coffee most consumed?

According to data from the International Coffee Organization (ICO), these are the countries that consume the most coffee around the globe:

  1. Finland: 12.2 kg per capita
  2. Norway: 9.9 kg per capita
  3. Iceland: 9 kg per capita
  4. Denmark: 8.7 kg per capita
  5. Netherlands: 8.4 kg per capita
  6. Sweden: 8.1 kg per capita
  7. Switzerland: 7.9 kg per capita
  8. Belgium: 6.8 kg per capita

Finland consumes around 225g (per capita) of coffee per week. Norway is not far behind either. Cold countries tend to consume the drink more frequently – for more than obvious reasons.

Although Brazil is one of the largest producers on the planet, it is far from being one of the largest consumers. The average consumption is “only” 2.7kg per year.

What are the effects of coffee on the body?

Coffee is known for its stimulating effects, as it increases the activity of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps with concentration and attention. Furthermore, it has immediate effects on other spectrums:

  • Fatigue Reduction: Adenosine, a neurotransmitter that causes drowsiness, is blocked under the influence of caffeine;
  • Improves mood: Caffeine helps to increase noradrenaline and dopamine levels, which can help people to strengthen their mood – especially during times of stress;
  • Changes heart rate: The sympathetic nervous system undergoes changes and, as a result, can temporarily alter the heartbeat;
  • Changes blood pressure: People who are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine may experience changes in blood pressure for a few hours.

However, it is important to mention that there are some long term effects involved in regular coffee consumption:

  • Reduced risk of depression: People with a predisposition to depression can benefit greatly from moderate coffee consumption, studies show;
  • Less chances of developing chronic diseases: Researchers believe that balanced consumption of the drink can help prevent heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer;
  • Improves cognition: The brain can function better with moderate coffee consumption. Learning and memorizing becomes easier after a while.

Adverse effects of coffee

As expected, the drink has several qualities, but can cause some problems if consumed in excess or by people sensitive to caffeine. Understand a little about its main risks:

  • Sleep disturbance: Caffeine can cause insomnia due to its stimulant effects. Its consumption is not recommended at night, close to bedtime;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome: It is important to mention that coffee does not cause the disease, but it can worsen its symptoms. The patient often feels the urge to defecate, even if they have no real need to do so;
  • Kidney stones: The drink, if consumed in excess, can cause kidney stones. In certain cases, the stone must be surgically removed;
  • Increased anxiety: People sensitive to caffeine may suffer from anxiety. Patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) should avoid excessive caffeine consumption.

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What would be a safe consumption of coffee?

A long and healthy life requires moderation. It couldn't be any different with coffee, right? The daily safe amount varies according to certain personal characteristics, such as age, weight and, of course, level of sensitivity to caffeine.

In general, healthy adults can consume around 400ml of coffee per day – or approximately 4 cups. However, if you notice adverse effects when consuming the drink, discontinue its use. Some people experience discomfort after a single cup.

Keep in mind that other products may also contain caffeine, such as soft drinks and chocolates. Therefore, if you don't want to give up coffee, it may be a good idea to avoid drinks and foods rich in the substance.

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Coffee-Tracker, an app created to control caffeine consumption. Image: App Store

Are there apps to control consumption?

Yes! Some people have difficulty controlling their daily caffeine intake (which can be addictive). O Coffee Tracker (available for iOS) allows you to track the amount of coffee you consume, as well as the times.

With this, you can know the effects that the substance has on your body and, if you notice that you are exceeding your use, simply reduce it and create an organized schedule.

O Caffeine Tracker (available on Google Play and on App Store) helps monitor all caffeine consumption throughout the day – even that from other sources, such as processed drinks and foods. It is very similar to Coffee-Tracker, just a little more comprehensive.

Both are excellent choices for you to enjoy one of the most popular drinks in the world in moderation, without compromising your health.

How much coffee do you consume?

Did you know about all these good (and not so good) characteristics of coffee? How much do you consume per day or per week? Share in the comments!

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Rafael Motta

Journalist, speaker, advertiser, CEO of the Três Pontos Comunicação agency and passionate about technology. I worked as editor-in-chief at some of the biggest news portals specializing in blockchain. Innovation is what moves me every day.

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