Canva: A Guide for Beginners

This editor has everything you've been looking for all this time!


This is one of the most famous photo and video editing apps today due to its extremely simple, pleasant and intuitive interface. Even advanced graphic designers are switching to Canva because the tool is more than sufficient for most usage scenarios.

The application is available for Android, iOS and PC, it is very light and runs very well even on more basic devices. Its free version offers several incredible features, but its paid version, Canva Pro, unlocks all of the tool’s features – and all for an incredibly low price.


To give you an idea of the power of this software, the featured image in this article was created entirely in Canva. Cool, right?

Read too: Check out the 7 best apps for drawing and editing on Android/iOS


Canva main features

Want to know what makes Canva so impressive in the hands of professionals and beginners? These are some of its main features:

  • Intuitive and clean interface: Instead of presenting the tools in a very technical and niche way, Canva prefers a more straight-to-the-point approach;
  • Easy to Share Files: Links can be shared with other people to make their work available, or even work together on specific projects;
  • Template and element library: Tens of thousands of assets can be inserted (and completely modified) in Canva;
  • Magical Media: Create amazing videos and images with AI – just determine the parameters and let the algorithm do the magic! If the result is not satisfactory, just try again and change the instructions.

How to get started with Canva?

Do you need a helping hand to create sensational projects with the app? Below are some tips that will certainly make the process simpler and more fluid:

Choose the format correctly

Do you want to create a banner for Facebook? A simple post for Instagram? Or perhaps you would like to create the design of your ebook? By clicking the “+” button, you can write what you want to do in the search bar – and Canva will tell you the correct dimensions for the task.

For example: if you enter “Instagram post”, Canva will give you a specific option for that (in 1080×1080 resolution). The same will happen if you want to create a story (1080×1920).

Use the publisher's search engine extensively. It will help you save a lot of time during the creative process. On the other hand, if you want to create a design from scratch, simply determine the dimensions of the document and confirm.

Explore and experiment with different elements

Finding the perfect assets to compose your image can be a real challenge in other editing tools; In the case of Canva, this is one of the main highlights. In the left corner of the screen, you can click on “Elements” and choose the ones that best suit your needs.

Although many are available for free, the best options are generally paid. In any case, there is no shortage of incredible options to create memorable designs.

Use the search bar extensively to find what you need: there are so many options that, if you try to find them manually, you will probably waste several precious minutes.

Test the Edit Photo feature

Click on an image in the document and then on Edit Photo. Apply several different filters (very similar to those found on Instagram), control colors, contrast, brightness and many other features, remove the background, apply AI assets, among many other incredible features.

Various fine adjustments can be performed on images. All the tools present in the app are usually more than enough for most users – even advanced ones.

Upload quickly

In the “Uploads” tab, you can configure Canva to upload your designs to certain platforms, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Facebook, and Instagram. Instead of having to open apps separately, log in and upload manually, connecting them directly to the software and integrating it with social networks makes everything easier.

In the case of cloud file hosting tools, all your work will be automatically saved in your respective accounts. This is an excellent idea to protect your data against mechanical problems, such as damage to your smartphone or tablet, for example.

Integrate with your favorite media

Click “More” to choose which other apps you want to integrate Canva with. There are dozens of options for you to choose from: Giphy, Google Images, Pexels and many other online services can be integrated whenever you want.

This is especially interesting for commercial use, when the company and its customers are present on several digital fronts at once.

The Drawing tool is powerful

Do you have a digitizing pen? You can use it in Canva to create manual designs and then edit them your way. Just click on the “Drawing” option on the software panel, choose between several different brushes and colors and get creative.

Believe me: true masterpieces can be created with such complete, yet simple, software.

Explore the Brand Kit

The “Brand” option allows you to create personalized 100% brand kits – and this is very important for companies to create a digital presence designed for their respective target audiences.

Insert the logo, standard color palette and fonts used by the company and carry out all work based on this information. This does not mean, obviously, that everything needs to have the same look: however, it helps to perpetuate the visual identity of the business.

This powerful tool is not just limited to companies: if you have a channel on YouTube, Twitch or another platform, you can create thumbnails and so many other incredible arts for social networks – all within your visual proposal.

Harness the full power of Canva!

It's amazing how so much can fit into such a small application, isn't it? Even industry professionals are migrating to the software, given its unparalleled productivity.

You can integrate it with various social networks and cloud storage services, create complex artwork for any type of occasion and quickly share it with whoever you want. All this for free – although there is a paid version, which unlocks all the exclusive features and elements.

Have you had any experience with Canva? Leave it in the comments!

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Rafael Motta

Journalist, speaker, advertiser, CEO of the Três Pontos Comunicação agency and passionate about technology. I worked as editor-in-chief at some of the biggest news portals specializing in blockchain. Innovation is what moves me every day.

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