Teas that aid digestion and alleviate unpleasant symptoms

Start drinking teas that aid digestion and improve your intestinal health right now


Our daily lives are increasingly busy, and the stress this brings causes certain problems with intestinal health. No one likes to take medication too often, but symptoms like gas and nausea aren't pleasant either. For this, there are several natural products that aid digestion, such as teas.

With them, that post-meal discomfort can be alleviated with ease (and a good taste). In fact, teas have options for relieving pain, anxiety, inflammation and even for sleep. In other words, you can avoid taking medication in most cases.


What teas help with digestion?

With so many tea options, it's difficult to know which ones really work for this. And you won't always like the taste, right? In this list we have put together, you will find a selection of various types, such as ginger and chamomile. This way, you can choose what you like best and alleviate unpleasant symptoms.

Ginger tea



gengibre chás que auxiliam na digestãoImage: Unsplash

One of the best-known teas for digestion is ginger tea. This root is rich in gingerols that stimulate stomach contractions. Thus, it relieves symptoms such as bloating, gas and nausea. Furthermore, the tea has important anti-inflammatory effects and can be used for sore throats, for example.

It is recommended for pregnant people as it reduces typical morning sickness. Furthermore, it is possible to use ginger in conjunction with other teas to discover new flavors.

Chamomile tea

Famous for its calming effects, this is also one of the best teas for digestion. This natural remedy relieves heartburn, gas and bloating. Furthermore, it reduces stress, anxiety and can help you sleep.

Another use of chamomile is to reduce inflammation in the body, which prevents conditions such as arthritis and obesity. In addition, it helps with healing and fights bacteria.

Read too: 4 apps to remind you to eat on time

Green Tea

O Green Tea It is a good option for those looking for something simpler and more traditional. It can help you lose weight as well as improve digestion. In other words, it also alleviates unpleasant symptoms.

Tea reduces the absorption of starches, improving metabolism and has caffeine. In this sense, it should be avoided by anyone who is sensitive to the compound. There are several varieties of tea, and you can enjoy subtle or strong flavors, depending on your preference.

Peppermint tea (peppermint)

This tea has antispasmodic properties that relax the intestinal muscle. It also has an analgesic function, making it ideal for those who have pain in the gastric system. All this because it is rich in menthol.

It is contraindicated for those who have a lot of heartburn, as it can worsen this symptom. Its flavor and smell are minty and quite pleasant, so you can include it in your daily life to refresh your palate.

Black tea

For those looking for digestive teas, black tea may be interesting. It has antioxidant polyphenols that help with bowel regularity and weight loss. In fact, it can even protect against ulcers.

Tea has a characteristic taste and can replace your morning coffee, as it contains caffeine. A recommendation is to drink it with milk to enhance the flavor.

Fennel tea

This is a tea with several benefits. It is able to prevent ulcers, relieve constipation and aid in bowel movements. Fennel tea can perform these functions by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes.

Its antioxidants also support the immune system, making it ideal for those who get sick frequently. It has a sweet, licorice-like flavor, making it pleasant to drink.

boldo tea

Known by residents of Central and South America, boldo tea is a traditional natural remedy. It helps with digestion and reduces unpleasant symptoms, such as gas.

This is also one of the teas for digestion and weight loss, as it promotes better fat digestion. Boldo tea has anti-inflammatory properties and improves liver health.

How to prepare tea recipes for digestion?

There are several ways to prepare teas, and the steps are not the same. Discover the main ways and choose the one you prefer below.


infusão chás que auxiliam na digestãoImage: Unsplash

Herbal infusion is probably the most common method of preparing tea for digestion, especially because this is how tea bags are prepared. Check out:

  1. Boil the water you are going to use;
  2. Place the herbs or bag in a container, such as a mug or jar;
  3. Now, pour the water into the container;
  4. Wait the recommended period and consume. For flowers and leaves, it is 10 minutes, while for roots, stems and bark it is 20 to 30 minutes.


Ideal for bark, roots and stems, the decoction is very easy to make.

  1. In a pan, add cold water and herbs;
  2. Cover and heat and let simmer for up to 20 minutes;
  3. After turning off the heat, let it rest for a few minutes;
  4. Then, just strain and drink the tea.


Finally, maceration is a historical method used to extract maximum flavor and benefits. It requires more preparation.

  1. Cut the herbs into small pieces or grind them;
  2. Soak them in water at room temperature for at least an hour, but up to 24 hours;
  3. Now just strain and enjoy!

Improve gut health with teas

By drinking one of the teas that aid digestion, you can alleviate bad symptoms naturally. This way, you can avoid medications and their many side effects. There are options that will please any palate, regardless of what you prefer. And remember: you can always sweeten the tea with honey to make it tastier!

However, if the symptoms do not alleviate and continue to be bothersome, it is recommended to consult a professional. After all, you don't want to let a more serious problem go unnoticed, right? And, of course, your doctor can also recommend effective treatments, regardless of your situation.

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Sophia Silva

Sophia Silva is a writer who has been writing about technology for over 5 years. Currently, it tends to focus on cutting-edge and current technologies, both in the areas of software and hardware.

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