Soothing teas for a lighter and more peaceful life 

How about some tea instead of pills?


Medicines are not always the best way to relax and relieve stress. Instead, how about trying some calming teas and improving the natural 100% way? 

Many people face serious complications due to substance abuse. This problem is spreading rapidly around the world, largely due to the increasingly hostile pressure imposed on everyday life. 


But you can escape the statistics today, if you wish: with these calming teas, you will hardly have difficulty relaxing or sleeping! 


Therapeutic effects of calming teas 

In addition to calming the nerves, these teas are excellent for combat anxiety It is relax the body. Some emotional disorders, whether short or long term, tend to cause muscle pain, which is often severe. 


They can also help improve sleep. Living in busy cities, or even becoming a victim of life's setbacks are among the biggest causes of insomnia: have you ever thought about solving all of this naturally, without the need to suffer from the dangerous side effects of medications? 

The best teas to relieve stress 

Try some of these delicious tea options for stress and anxiety and achieve a better quality of life forever: 

Chamomile tea 

This famous emulsion needs no comment in many families. Chamomile is rich in apigenin, a flavonoid that helps relax the central nervous system. Furthermore, this substance helps reduce levels of cortisol, a stress-related hormone. 

The difference is that it is a natural remedy, without additives that can cause dependence over time or unwanted side effects. 


Lemongrass (or lemongrass) tea 

This delicious relaxing tea is rich in citral, a substance that has a sedative effect. Your central nervous system tends to calm down after a few cups. 

If you are a victim of excessive worry or nervousness, it is a great idea to buy the herb and prepare it by hand, if you prefer something without any type of industrial handling. This doesn't mean, of course, that the commercial versions found in supermarkets aren't great, too! 


Lemon balm tea (or Melissa) 

Another great option with calming and sedative properties. Anxiety and stress can be controlled through continuous consumption of this product. 

Its flavor is quite mild and pleasant. More delicate palates will appreciate the citrus aroma of its leaves, very similar to lemon. It's a great idea to drink it cold and sweetened, too! One of the best natural ways to cool off during the summer. 


Passion fruit tea (Passiflora) 

This tea is very rich in flavonoids, which helps to relax the central nervous system. It is one of the best options if you need to improve your sleep.  

Studies indicate that the consumption of passionflower tea is indicated for the treatment of adults with mild sleep problems. Furthermore, its sedative action helps control anxiety symptoms, but without causing excessive drowsiness. Blood pressure is also reduced. 


How to prepare teas in a natural 100% way? 

The procedure varies according to each case. Discover the main ones: 

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To prepare a tisane, follow the tutorial below: 

  1. Boil the water; 
  1. Add the herbs you want (roots, bark, flowers and leaves) and keep boiling for another five minutes; 
  1. Turn off the heat, cover and let it rest for a few more minutes before straining and tasting. 


It's perfect for preparing flowers and leaves! See how to do it: 

  1. Place the herbs in a container; 
  1. Boil the water; 
  1. Pour the water over the herbs; 
  1. Wait about 10 minutes (flowers and leaves) or 20 to 30 minutes (roots, stems and bark) before consuming. 


If you intend to make teas with barks, roots and stems, this is the best method: 

  1. Place the water and herbs in a container, still with cold water; 
  1. Place the container on the fire and let it boil for up to 20 minutes; 
  1. Cover the container and let the mixture rest for a few minutes; 
  1. Strain and enjoy. 


This method is perfect for you to get the most flavor and benefits from your herbs: 

  1. Soak all the leaves in cold water for 10 to 24 hours; 
  1. Just strain, if desired, and consume. There is no need to use boiling, which keeps all the therapeutic properties of the herbs intact. 

Observation: Each plant may have specific preparation times. In general, roots, bark and stems require more time to prepare. 

A calming herbal infusion to call your own 

There are so many relaxing teas that choosing one of them may seem impossible, right? But that's no problem at all: try mixing them! Chamomile with lemon balm, in addition to being a delicious mixture, enhances all the therapeutic effects of their respective substances. 

Likewise, passion fruit tea with cinnamon sticks helps control anxiety, as well as serving as a powerful antioxidant. In a way, the best teas for stress can be a tasty combination between them! 

Remember that calming teas don't work miracles. You may need to drastically change some of your daily habits to make life easier! No medicine can heal a wound that never closes, after all. 

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Rafael Motta

Journalist, speaker, advertiser, CEO of the Três Pontos Comunicação agency and passionate about technology. I worked as editor-in-chief at some of the biggest news portals specializing in blockchain. Innovation is what moves me every day.

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