How do colors affect your mood? 

What color is your aura today?


How do you feel in a room with dark walls? Do you not wear certain colors of clothes at all, depending on your mood? They matter much more than you realize. 

It's time to delve deeper into this fascinating subject and understand how colors affect human emotions. 



A scientific question 

There is a study called color psychology: Science tries to understand how the human brain identifies, understands and feels the different colors that the eyes are capable of observing. 

You may have already noticed the effects of this study on advertising campaigns, for example: golden colors are often associated with wealth, while options hotter, like red and orange, generally refer to energy or passion. 


On the other hand, meditation pages prefer to use a color palette colder, sober. This way, the person can remain calmer and more relaxed during the trance. The amazing thing is that all of this really works! 

If you prefer versatility, you can use neutral colors on clothes, room walls or even on the wallpaper of your computer or smartphone. These are calm, everlasting tones that allow the mind to rest for a few moments. 

Certain artistic works mix several different perceptions, which is capable of bringing out different emotions and interpretations in people!  


The engraving above is one of several creations by Piet Mondrian (1872 – 1944), one of the greatest icons of modern art and the popularization of vibrant colors and geometric designs. His abstract works in red, yellow and blue became a kind of trademark of his truth, which greatly shook the traditional Dutch art scene. 

The cultural meaning of colors 

Some colors are considered universal: they represent basically the same thing in different cultures. Discover some examples: 

  • Red: It is usually associated with passion, love and desire. This color is often used in marketing campaigns on Valentine's Day, in addition to being present in major chocolate brands; 
  • Green: For obvious reasons, it is commonly associated with nature, renewal and growth. In Ireland, it also represents good luck; 
  • Blue: This color generally refers to calm, serenity of spirit and peace. Certain cultures also interpret blue as a symbol of wisdom and depth; 
  • Yellow: It refers to joy, material wealth and the most beautiful and sunny days. Optimistic people can get a lot out of this color; 
  • Purple: Typically associated with nobility and luxury. In some cultures, this color is associated with religious mystery and spirituality; 
  • Black: It is a color that can refer to both elegance, sophistication and refinement as well as mourning, especially in most Western cultures. Koreans, for example, associate the color black directly with death; 
  • White: Purity and innocence. It is widely used in weddings in the West. 
  • Orange: It represents vital force, enthusiasm and health. It is also linked to joy and human creativity. 

These are just the most common examples, of course. So many others can embrace several different meanings and influence your mood in quite curious ways! 

Read too: See how to identify all plants with these apps

Improve your state of mind 

Now that you understand the basics about colors, it's time to bring them into your life the right way. See how they can be worked on to lift your spirits and improve your mood: 

Sedative colors 

They are great for you to enjoy moments of solitude to relax and enjoy introspection. Violet, green and blue tend to be the best options, as well as lighter shades of green. 

Abstract images with light palettes, as well as photographs of forests and waterfalls can have a great sedative effect! It may be that you are too contaminated by the visual pollution of big cities and haven't realized it yet. 

Colors that refer to sweetness 

Need to bring a little more love into your day? Try pink and fuchsia: the first color brings innocence and kindness, while the other awakens the emotional energies necessary for change. 

However, it is important not to overuse pink; otherwise, it could convey immaturity, or even excessive enthusiasm. 

Colors that cheer up 

Red, orange and yellow are colors that normally bring some degree of excitement to a person: they are normally used in clothes for special occasions, such as fancy parties. 

If you want to carry out activities that require some extra level of energy, try using them! 

Colors that should be avoided 

In excess, black and gray can transmit a heavy energy to people. Therefore, it is important to know how to balance the dosage when getting dressed!  

As expected, painting the walls black in your living room or bedroom may seem like a funky and fun idea at first; however, the tendency is that this will make the environment somewhat hostile and dark. 

More color in your life 

It's interesting how all this can influence people's lives, isn't it? No one can deny that certain combinations bring relaxation and calm, while others bring agitation. Some of them may be emotionally linked to sadness or loss, even. 

If you want to explore this fascinating topic in more depth, there is a mobile application on the topic – the Psychology: Color (available on the App Store). With it, you will be able to study more about what each color represents in your life and how to harmonize them to achieve your most intimate goals. 

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Rafael Motta

Journalist, speaker, advertiser, CEO of the Três Pontos Comunicação agency and passionate about technology. I worked as editor-in-chief at some of the biggest news portals specializing in blockchain. Innovation is what moves me every day.

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