Terror also haunts the human mind at night, when it should be resting in peace. Nightmares are unfortunately much more common than people realize – and they can seriously disrupt your quality of life in the long run.
In some cases, they are extremely recurrent; how do you get rid of them, after all? How do you control the most intimate impulses of your being?
This article may be of great public use. Read it until the end, as you may find the answer you are looking for.

What does science say about nightmares?
Researchers believe that the most common nightmares come from negative feelings, such as fear or anxiety. Because of this, you end up waking up in the middle of the night, often with your heart racing, as if you had been the victim of a bad joke.
But in reality, the problem is much more internal than you might think. They can occur during REM phase sleep (which is when brain activity is so intense that it seems like the person is actually awake).
Several other reasons can plague the mind and, therefore, trigger unpleasant dreams:
- Traumatic events;
- Injuries (physical abuse in general);
- Medications (especially psychotropic drugs);
- Substance abuse (alcohol or drugs);
- Sleep deprivation.
Other causes may be linked to the problem, of course. It is important to analyze them carefully to try to reduce this problem that can become a major inconvenience in your life.
The most common nightmares
It's practically impossible that you haven't had at least half of the bad dreams on this list:
- Pursuit or cornering: Dreaming that you are being chased by someone (or something) is incredibly common. It can refer to real feelings of threat or pressure in your daily life, but idealized by your unconscious;
- Fall: In general, dreaming that you are in free fall can mean insecurity, fear of failing at something or even not having control over things that you should control;
- Death: This type of nightmare is usually associated with traumatic family losses or even drastic changes that have happened or are about to happen;
- Natural disasters: Who has never dreamed about earthquakes, tornadoes or tidal waves? These nightmares are usually associated with anxiety or fear in the face of events that are impossible to predict;
- Snakes: Spiritualists believe that dreams about snakes are usually associated with betrayal, deception or impulsiveness.

Transforming nightmares: change this reality!
If you've come this far, it's because you suffer or have suffered a lot for long periods with unpleasant dreams. Do you want to learn how to change this once and for all? Follow these steps and make your unconscious world much lighter!
Sleep regularly
This task can be quite difficult, right? Balancing daily life with good sleeping habits is not so simple for some people. But that doesn’t mean you should neglect your rest for much longer.
Having a consistent bedtime and wake-up time can do wonders for your lifestyle. Not only will you stop having nightmares, but your health will also improve! Many people don’t know this, but poor sleep is one of the biggest causes of heart problems.
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Don't toss and turn at night
Avoid watching television, playing violent or exciting video games, and other activities that stimulate your brain at night. Believe me, electronic devices can drastically affect your quality of sleep, as well as causing psychological disturbances during the early hours of the morning.
Some people get really traumatized by watching or doing certain stimulating tasks. So try to absorb really light content, like meditation music and relaxing programs.
Avoid coffee as much as possible: caffeine is a strong natural stimulant, capable of making your brain work at high speed even during physical rest. In addition, alcohol should be avoided at night: it does not help you sleep, despite popular belief that it does!
Take notes on your nightmares
What do nightmares mean? Why do certain events repeat themselves over and over again? The answer to this question, as well as to many others, can be found more easily if you write down everything that happens during the night. At least what you are able to remember, of course.
Keeping a dream journal is an excellent way to understand and solve the problem, as well as developing your public speaking skills and organizing your thoughts through writing.
Talk to a healthcare professional
If none of these tips have helped you, you may have acquired some kind of disorder. In these cases, medication may be introduced into your life for a while, until everything is mitigated.
This does not mean that you have “gone crazy”: just that your mind has not been able to rest on its own for some time, which requires some degree of medication interference to speed up the treatment process.
Change medications if necessary
Certain medications, such as antidepressants or blood pressure regulators, can seriously affect the quality of your sleep, so if you start having nightmares after starting treatment with them, talk to your doctor immediately.
There is no need to suffer endlessly from sleep disorders. Changing your medication may solve the problem in just a few days!
Don't despair! Everything has a solution
Nightmares can be frustrating and distressing, no doubt about it. However, there is no point in losing your temper over them: quite the opposite! You will get over the problem more quickly if you keep your head on straight.
Meditate, reflect and relax. Don't rush if you wake up during the night; dream analysis is a process that can be long but highly enriching.