Infallible strategies for growing on social media

Understand the secrets of influencers to grow on social media with reach and engagement.


The market for content creators on the internet, also called the “creator economy”, generated approximately U$16.4 billion in 2022 worldwide. This value represents an increase of 22% compared to the previous year. So if your goal is to stand out in this market, you need to know the right ways to grow on social media.

Do you want to grow on social media and see significant results quickly? The internet has the power to change the story of both a person and a company. But the question is: do you have the right strategies to be successful on the internet, or are you just throwing things on social media counting on luck?


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Who can I learn ways to grow on social media from?

For some reason, people believe that profiles with many followers have more authority on the subject they content on, even though this fact is not true. Therefore, to develop this article, three successful content producers from different niches were analyzed.


The first, Dan Koe, is a writer and digital influencer, who teaches how to be successful on social media on his YouTube channel. Next, Netflix, the film and series platform, which is constantly producing high-engagement content on social media. Lastly, MrBeast, the largest internet content creator in the world.

Keeping an eye on the public

If you don't know the destination, there's no way to follow the map, right? Therefore, the starting point for following the path to success on social media is knowing who your content should reach. You need to find out what type of posts these people are interacting with and make your content stand out among your competitors.

Want to know how to define your target audience? You will need to put your goals on paper, and how your profile can add something to people's lives. Then, identify the demographic characteristics, interests and behaviors of your potential followers. To do this, you can use data analysis tools such as Google Analytics.


You need to optimize your time as a content creator. One of the ways to grow on social media is to plan several posts in advance. Advance planning gives you the opportunity to create strategic posts, in addition to themed campaigns, aligned with commemorative dates and relevant events.

If you have difficulty planning content, you can use artificial intelligence to your advantage. Sites with ChatGPT and Canva are useful tools that have made the lives of many content creators easier.


Do you know the importance of maintaining a regular posting schedule? Platform algorithms tend to favor accounts that are active and consistent. Therefore, an excellent way to grow on social media is to determine a posting calendar that works for you and your audience, whether daily or weekly.

To facilitate your consistency, pay attention to social media metrics and analysis. After all, by analyzing data, you track the performance of your posts, identify which types of content are generating the most engagement, and optimize your strategies accordingly. And of course, the analysis will allow you to schedule your posts at the ideal times. 

The Cape 

Whether it’s the thumbnail of a YouTube video or the first image of a carousel post on Instagram, the cover is the first thing people see when they “accidentally” come across your content while browsing a social network. Hence the importance of it being attractive and representing the content of your profile.

A well-designed cover can make people give a chance to a profile they don't yet know. Want a tip for creating amazing covers even if you're not a graphic design professional? The Canva and Adobe Express apps are super intuitive and have lots of templates and tools that help you create eye-catching covers.

Make contacts

Faça contatos

Growing on social media goes far beyond simply creating quality content. An excellent strategy to help you on this path is to interact with profiles in the same niche as yours. You can comment on posts, interact in lives or even participate in events with the presence of these creators. 

By interacting with similar profiles, followers begin to associate your digital presence with larger, more recognized profiles. This association not only increases the credibility and visibility of your social networks, but also allows you to create strategic partnerships that can benefit both parties.

Interact with your audience 

People like to feel part of a content creator's story. In this sense, it is important to create a connection with your followers. You can do this by sharing personal and interesting content, responding to comments on posts and private messages, as well as creating interactive content, such as polls or challenges. 

An example of how this works is the Netflix. In addition to understanding its audience and creating content that is relevant to them, the company monitors social media to keep up with trends and hot topics, to better interact with its followers and subscribers.

Ready to succeed on social media? 

The profiles that inspired the article created a unique and prominent identity on social media. Therefore, it was possible to outline your strategies and know how to apply them to any niche.

If your goal is to achieve incredible results like these profiles, you will need effort and dedication, but know that success on the internet is possible for anyone who follows the tips presented in this article. By studying these topics you will be on the right path to building a successful digital presence.

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Pedro Bala

I am a senior writer with almost 30 years of experience in radio journalism departments, advertising production studios, news portals and various blogs. Currently, I am content director at Job Holding, CEO of the Bolha Crypto portal, screenwriter at Invicto Solar and host of the Bolha Crypto Drops podcast on Spotify.

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