Manage your time with these 8 tips

Change can start today, if you let it!


The most valuable commodity in the world is not gold, nor silver, nor even oil: it is time. Managing it correctly not only means having better performance at work, but also optimizing your time with family or your best friends.

Certain personal characteristics, such as general disorganization, anxiety and lack of attention to detail are among those responsible for poor use of time. As a result, everything that is done becomes much more tiring, expensive and, after some time, frustrating.


But this can be changed starting today: through certain attitudes (and tools), you will learn to manage your time better and, with that, make your life lighter and more fluid every day.

Read too: Use Trello to organize your business!


Tips to make better use of your time

Take time to set priorities

Are you feeling like everything you do isn't paying off as it should? It may be that your priorities are not completely aligned with your daily tasks. Take a few minutes out of your day, take a notepad and write down everything you do throughout the day – your routine, in detail.

After everything is transcribed, analyze what takes most of your time to do and from what activity or time of day a more pronounced physical and/or emotional exhaustion begins to occur. Try to allocate (or even remove!) some of these activities to make them easier to do.

Furthermore, think about things that need to be a priority for your well-being: meditation, physical activities or even leisure time should be part of your planning. Don't forget that your mind needs relief from time to time.

Create to-do lists

Many people have never tried creating to-do lists – and have no idea how useful it is. This way, you will no longer forget important matters, regardless of their nature.

There are smartphone apps, like Evernote (available to Android It is iOS) that serve precisely this purpose: placing all your tasks organized, centralized in one place. Notifications will appear on your device screen, alerting you to your appointments.

It doesn't need to be extremely detailed, or the experience becomes somewhat suffocating: insert commitments that you absolutely cannot forget, but that, for some reason, keep being neglected.

Learn to take breaks

Some people, especially at work, dedicate themselves to their activities until their last strength – and that is a bad idea, especially in the long term. Anxiety, depression and Burnout syndrome are just some of the comorbidities that can affect people who do not respect their own limits.

It doesn't matter if you work from home or in person: take breaks of a few minutes regularly. This is especially important if you have visual problems and work long hours in front of a screen.

Drink water, talk to someone for a while or do some fun activity that takes you away, even for a few moments, from what you were doing.

Be flexible

Things don't always turn out the way people expect. Insisting on the same path can become a real waste of time. Adapting to adversity with lightness and rationality makes much more of a difference than you might imagine.

Imagine the following situation: you work in an ice cream factory, but your machine malfunctions and stops working. Instead of wasting time fussing for several minutes and giving in to panic and stress, how about calmly calling your supervisor and explaining what happened? Everything will be resolved much faster this way.

Discover alternative ways to solve problems or do any type of thing: think of a plan B for everything and execute that plan if necessary. Thinking outside the box is a great lifelong exercise!

Don't do everything alone

This problem usually affects perfectionists: people who try to do everything alone tend to spend much more time performing tasks, while collective work tends to be much more effective, competent and safe.

Several heads are better than one. It may be that other people detect errors or improvements that you have not noticed; Likewise, if you have any type of problem or difficulty, you can ask for help from your peers – and this is an exercise in coexistence that must be constantly practiced.

Delegate tasks to other people, both at home and at work: this way, you can optimize the time it takes to deliver everything you need! Don't forget to always ask politely and humbly.

Use your smartphone's calendar

Don't think that your mobile device's calendar is just for knowing what's today: it's also an excellent tool for taking notes and creating important notifications about your routine!

Google Calendar, for example, is a service which comes by default on Android cell phones and which can be downloaded on Apple smartphones, too. Considering that everyone carries their devices with them for most of the day, few gadgets are more effective for setting reminders, right?

Seek professional help

Have you ever stopped to think that your difficulty managing your time could be due to some pathology? That's right: certain psychological conditions can drastically affect your ability to organize. In these cases, medical monitoring is essential to reverse or, at least, minimize the damage.

Try a consultation with a psychologist or psychiatrist: share your most primitive desires and instincts, get to the heart of the problem and treat it with maximum maturity and lightness! Don't be in a rush to change; just take the first step towards a better life.

Learn to say “no”

Saying “yes” to everyone’s desires is an excellent way to worry too much about other people’s problems. Don't be afraid to say “no”: respect your limits, or your daily income will gradually start to drop.

Do you feel like your time could be better spent on other things? What would they be? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

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Rafael Motta

Journalist, speaker, advertiser, CEO of the Três Pontos Comunicação agency and passionate about technology. I worked as editor-in-chief at some of the biggest news portals specializing in blockchain. Innovation is what moves me every day.

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