Make your mobile games with these 5 apps!

Creating games doesn't have to be a complicated or stressful task!


Did you know that the gaming industry, for the first time in history, surpassed that of cinema? In 2016, game development companies earned around US$ 91 billion, while cinema companies made something close to US$ 38 billion. According to Newzoo, the mobile games should move US$ 93 billion in 2023!

It's not just a game to do alone or with friends, it's a constantly growing market. In Brazil, games generated around R$ 4.9 billion in the same period, being the largest consumer in Latin America.


How about taking advantage of this moment and turning your ideas into reality? With these 10 apps, you can create your own games and, who knows, monetize your creations!

Check out the list, get to work and, of course, have fun!




Not everyone knows, but 7 out of 10 mobile games use Unity, one of the most famous engines in the world. It's no wonder that the software is so widely used: it makes use of several tools that make creation more simplified, as well as mechanisms to access certain pertinent player information – which is especially important for online games, which require constant balancing. . 

Through Frame Debugger, developers will be able to obtain accurate metrics to increase compatibility between devices. Additionally, you can purchase assets (game elements) through the Unity Asset Store.

Unity Gaming Services allows you to analyze the statistics of your games, without having to modify your code. This is a great way to avoid unnecessary bugs and save development time!

A very common thing in mobile games are ads: Unity allows you to improve earnings from ads without major complications – and this is an important differentiator between this engine and its main competitors.

You can download the app for free, but there is also the option to subscribe to Unity Pro, which unlocks several features that are not available in its trial version.

Unreal Engine

Image: Unreal Engine

Everyone who loves video games has certainly seen the name “Unreal Engine” several times in many major titles: it turns out that this is the most popular PC game engine in the world, but is also compatible with mobile devices!

Create highly immersive games, whether 2D or 3D, using one of the most used tools on all platforms. Although its interface is quite intuitive, there is extensive documentation on the internet regarding all its features. 

Many courses even teach their students how to work in an advanced way with the Unreal Engine. It might be an excellent idea to look for some of them so as not to leave any functionality out!

Farlight 84 is a Battle Royale-style third-person shooter created in Unreal Engine 4. It is compatible with both smartphones and PC – and players on both platforms can duel against each other.

The Unreal Engine should certainly be on your radar when choosing the perfect platform for your games!

RPG Maker

Image: GamerBraves

The name itself says it: this engine is dedicated to developers who are passionate about Classic RPGs, with graphics in voxel art.

To make it work on Android, you need to have some prior knowledge: however, this video (in English) can help a lot throughout the process!

Due to its popularity, developers can acquire thousands of assets through its official website, such as sounds, special effects, characters, scenery textures, water effects, etc. 

RPG Maker has a very busy forum, through which other programmers exchange valuable information that can be reused in your own project. 

You can test the application for free for 30 days; After this period, you must purchase it through Steam or Komodo Plaza. 

GameMaker Studio

Image: Edivaldo's Blog

It is a very simple 2D mobile game development platform, capable of creating games not only for smartphones, but also for PC and consoles.

Through its visual editor, you can create games without prior knowledge of programming. However, creators can use the GML programming language to create more complex titles. 

This is one of the simplest options of all for producing your games, if you are new to programming. In the Tutorials tab, you will be able to create your first game in no time!

Furthermore, it has a great advantage over the others: it is completely free, in all its versions. Therefore, if you want to create something simpler and don't want to compromise your budget, trying GameMaker Studio could be an excellent option!


Image: DIO

Godot is a more complex open source game creation platform: through it, it is possible to create all sorts of multiplatform titles.

One of the highlights of Godot is his creation “by blocks” (also called “nodes”). Through them, developers will be able to create more complex and easily reusable scenes. Additionally, certain behaviors can be pre-programmed in this way to make gameplay more unique and engaging. 

Define “scriptable” objects called “resources” to describe characters, entities, and data structures in your game. Use your custom objects directly in the editor by assigning them to us. Resources come with a high-level API for storing and reading them, and they support all Godot types, including other resources.

The programming language used by the platform is called GDScript. It is inspired by Python and the creators claim that it is quite easy to learn, even if you have no prior knowledge of programming.

Now it's your turn to choose!

There are many incredible options, right? While some are simpler and more classic, others allow you to create more robust mobile games, with beautiful and realistic graphics. 

Choosing the ideal engine depends mainly on two factors: your technical knowledge and your idea. What type of mobile game do you want to produce? Which markets do you want to embrace? Is there any initial budget you want to dedicate, or do you want to start for free to understand how things work?

Regardless of the answers to the questions above, good game to you!

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Rafael Motta

Journalist, speaker, advertiser, CEO of the Três Pontos Comunicação agency and passionate about technology. I worked as editor-in-chief at some of the biggest news portals specializing in blockchain. Innovation is what moves me every day.

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