Digital TV Antenna Kit: find out now how to register

Find out how to register for the Digital TV Antena Kit to access this benefit


With the analog television signal being replaced by digital signal in most Brazilian states, the Federal Government launched the Digital TV Antena Kit program. Above all, to know how to register, you must consider the eligibility criteria and receipt rules.

Overall, the Digital TV Antenna Kit is free, which means that citizens do not need to worry about any extra costs for ordering the digital satellite dish. Despite this, it is essential to pay attention to the rules and installation of the digital satellite TV antenna. Find out more information below and learn how to request it.


Kit Antena TV Digital saiba agora como se cadastrarImage: Reproduction/Pexels

How to register for the Digital TV Antenna Kit?

Requesting a digital satellite dish and registering for the Digital TV Antena Kit can be done through the Siga Antenado Program website. This is because this is the initiative responsible for managing information related to this program, from audience identification to installation and maintenance.


Another contact alternative for those who do not have access to the internet is to call 0800 729 2404, also from Siga Antenado. In any case, applicants must send official data to request an exchange of the device. Specifically, Siga Antenado requires the Social Identification Number (NIS) and the Individual Taxpayer Registration Number (CPF).

Therefore, families who wish to register with the Digital TV Antena Kit need to register themselves and their families in the Federal Government's Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico). Generally, this is done in person at a unit of the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS), located in the beneficiaries' region.

After registering, the CadÚnico system sends the NIS so that you can make the request. With this information, simply call or access the Siga Antenado channels presented previously to enter your personal data as requested.

Finally, make an appointment for your address according to the availability of technicians shown on the website. After that, just wait for the scheduled day and time to receive your Digital TV Antenna Kit.

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Foto de uma pessoa vendo televisãoImage: Reproduction/Pexels

What is the Digital TV Antenna Kit?

Firstly, the Digital TV Antena Kit program is the result of the Federal Government's effort to maintain access to television broadcasts throughout the country. However, the target audience for this initiative are families in situations of social vulnerability who are registered in the Single Registry (Cadúnico).

Therefore, those who can receive the Digital TV Antenna Kit are the beneficiaries of the Single Registry. In detailed terms, the program helps Brazilians to migrate from the analogue signal to the digital signal, from the moment the citizen requests to exchange the device. As a result, everyone can have access to quality digital television.

And the best thing is that viewers can consume their favorite programs without suffering interference from 5G technology, as the digital signal is more agile in the transmission process. This entire process is the result of a reconfiguration in the C band and a transfer of the signal to the so-called Ku band, requiring the replacement of old parabolic devices.

The result of this process is to avoid any type of noise or signal interference during the next 18 months. Since this C band will soon cease to exist, the transition is what guarantees that Brazilians will be able to continue enjoying this communication channel.

Currently, the Antena TV Digital Kit is coordinated by the partnership between Siga Antenado and Anatel, the official ministry of telecommunications in the country. In other words, it is part of a set of social programs, such as Bolsa Família, Auxílio Gás and others.

What comes in the Digital TV Antenna Kit?

To check that your installation is happening correctly, and with all the necessary materials, you can base yourself on a list of items. Technicians commonly carry the following materials:

  • 1 digital converter;
  • 1 antenna body;
  • 1 power supply;
  • 8 meters of coaxial cable;
  • RCA cable;
  • Remote control with batteries.
  • Screws, nuts and washers for installation;
  • Rods and support with mast.

With this list, you can ask questions or check if everything is ok. Later, when you request maintenance, it becomes easier to inform what is wrong, for example.

So, did you enjoy finding out more about this program?

With this free digital TV kit, you don't need to be afraid of losing access to television broadcasts. Basically, the program guarantees the installation of digital satellite TV antennas for those who are unable to purchase cable service in the country. With this, you guarantee that your devices are connected with the newest technology on the market, and without paying anything.

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Cecilia Fernandes

Journalist and Audiovisual Producer specializing in Content and Storytelling. Candanga by birth, raised in Goiás.

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