Why do you need an antivirus on your computer?

Understand how installing an antivirus on your computer can save your personal and professional data from threats.


Having an antivirus on your computer is very important if you always leave your PC connected to the internet. This is because just the fact that your machine is online makes it susceptible to being affected by viruses, and your PC can be infected in several ways.

You can download an app with malware or click on an unknown link in your email, and voila, the damage is done. Soon after installing themselves on your computer, viruses can encrypt your machine, making you unable to use it. If you don't want this to happen, it's a good idea to have an antivirus.


Read too: What are the best mobile antiviruses in 2023?

What types of antivirus exist? 

Firstly, we have the most basic software which is Standalone. With it, you can help protect your system against malware. Next, we can mention internet security antivirus. It manages to offer greater reinforcement than the first mentioned, with the help of protection against phishing. 


Additionally, there is cloud-based antivirus that stores your information safely outside your PC. Companies also need to have a strong antivirus. After all, they deal with sensitive data that cannot be leaked or lost. A network antivirus is capable of protecting an entire network, installed on just one device.

Now that you've learned about these programs, we'll tell you why it's important to have an antivirus on your computer.


With an antivirus on your PC, you receive warnings about possible dangers that could mess up your machine. Whenever an update is needed to keep your computer safe, it notifies you. Furthermore, if it finds a malware file or if you try to access a malicious website, the software warns you. 

Frequent scans

When installing an antivirus on your computer, you have frequent scans of files, folders, programs and your PC's memory. These searches are carried out with the aim of identifying whether there is any malicious code on your machine. You can decide the frequency of scans or let them be done automatically. 

Fast malware detection

Security programs quickly identify what could disrupt the way your PC works. This is because they use several ways to detect bad things, such as looking at files for known patterns of viruses and trojans, just using signature algorithms.

Does not hinder your computer's performance

Installing an antivirus is not just limited to defending against cyber threats. After all, it can be used to improve the efficiency of your computer. These programs have continuous optimizations and operate discreetly, consuming little resources.

Quick action against threats 

Installing an antivirus on your computer is a guarantee that threats will be eliminated quickly. After all, as soon as a file is opened, downloaded or used, the software begins to analyze whether it has any malicious patterns. If it does, the antivirus stops it from working and eliminates the threat.

Business care

You should also use an antivirus on your business PC as it helps you monitor and manage all network activities through just one device. In other words, all data on the health of the company's computers is controlled centrally. Without a doubt, the employees responsible for the security area will thank you. 

Protection for your sensitive data

Proteção para seus dados sensíveis

A good antivirus comes with built-in filters capable of identifying fraudulent websites. Generally, scammers use this trick to try to trick victims into entering their confidential information, such as financial information, on fake pages that resemble legitimate bank websites. Antivirus can alert and block such attempts.

Reinforced firewall defense

An antivirus on your computer gives you access to an enhanced protection feature called firewall. It works as a protective barrier, monitoring and controlling the computer's incoming and outgoing traffic. Furthermore, the firewall is able to decide what information can or cannot pass between your network and the internet. 

Control of external devices

Devices external to your computer can carry cyber threats. If they are infected, they end up executing malicious files, putting your PC at risk. Precisely to prevent this from happening, you need an antivirus. After all, it acts as a guardian, offering the ability to control the activity of external devices. 

No spam

Spam can cause you much more serious headaches than simply sending a message multiple times. This is because it may be accompanied by threats to your computer. To destroy this possibility, antivirus offers a very valuable feature which is the ability to filter and prevent spam.

Sandboxing feature

Antiviruses also have a sandboxing feature. This functionality allows security software to isolate and execute files in a virtual environment separate from the main system. Therefore, you will be able to prevent possible damage, because even if a file contains threats, they are contained in this isolated environment.

Encryption protection

Data encryption is a great tool that comes with antivirus. It protects the files on your computer, even if someone can access them without authorization. This is because attackers will not have the key to decrypt the files.

Your computer safer with antivirus

As noted, the need for an antivirus for your computer's security is undeniable. After all, we are living in a universe that keeps us exposed to threats. This way, we cannot make mistakes and leave our machines unprotected. 

By using an antivirus on your PC, you will experience excellent benefits, from timely alerts about security updates to quick detection and elimination of threats. Therefore, if you don't want your confidential information to be leaked through malware, be sure to use protection software. 

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Pedro Bala

I am a senior writer with almost 30 years of experience in radio journalism departments, advertising production studios, news portals and various blogs. Currently, I am content director at Job Holding, CEO of the Bolha Crypto portal, screenwriter at Invicto Solar and host of the Bolha Crypto Drops podcast on Spotify.

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