The Best Pruning Techniques for Houseplants

Learn the best pruning techniques for your plants and keep them looking beautiful


Houseplants are a great decor choice as they bring bright colors and fresh air into the room. However, it is necessary to learn the best pruning techniques for plants in order to provide them with the correct care.

Details such as removing dead leaves, branches and flowers, as well as cutting back what has grown too much, should not be ignored. Other care is also necessary, such as fertilization and irrigation, to maintain the health of the plants.


Pruning Techniques for Houseplants

Indoor plants, such as the Fern, the Lily and the Sword of Saint George, are always popular as a good decoration. These and other indoor plants don't require much work to maintain or make them look beautiful, but there are some essential techniques.

For example, it is important to use appropriate tools, as well as studying the species of your plant to know its specific needs. Below, we have organized a guide for you on when and how to prune houseplants.


técnicas de poda para plantasImage: Pexels

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1. Use appropriate tools

Dull blades harm plants, so the scissors must always be sharp, even if they are not necessarily gardening scissors.

Furthermore, it must also be very clean. If it is dirty, dip it in a solution of water with 1 tablespoon of bleach and dry it with a cloth.

2. When should I prune my plants?

Winter is the ideal period for more intense pruning, as at this time the plants are in a dormant period. This means that sap circulation decreases due to the low temperature and less exposure to light. This way, the plant suffers less stress during handling.

Although nothing prevents pruning at other times of the year, these should be minor pruning, cleaning or size containment. Flowering plants should only be pruned after flowering, and do not do so if they still have closed buds.

3. Right angle

Cut dead leaves and branches at a 45° angle. Look for leaves and parts that are brown, discolored, excessively dry or withered. Cut these affected parts a little past their total area, at a 45° angle.

Never trim healthy, green-looking leaves and branches. If the entire branch is dead, cut it off entirely and preserve only the stem of the plant.

4. Cutting off dead flowers

If you have flowering plants, you will also need to cut off the dead flowers. Check periodically for flowers that appear brown, discolored, wilted or very dry to the touch. Cut them off at the base of your receptacle. This will stimulate the generation of new buds.

5. Cutting branches that are too long

Get rid of branches that are too long, that are loose or hanging down from the plant. This allows it to grow more leafy and homogeneous.

Using scissors, reduce the length of the branch by ⅓, always making a cut at a 45° angle.

6. Pruning by hands

If you have plants with soft stems, such as Coração-Magoado or Ivy, you can prune them regularly with just your hands. Use your thumb and forefinger to remove the tip of a stem, above the point where the leaf attaches to the plant.

Removing these points gives the plant a more beautiful contour and encourages it to grow proportionally in all directions. Furthermore, it prevents overhanging branches from appearing.

7. Pruning quantity

It can always just plant 10% to 20%. And then wait a few weeks to a month to prune it again. If you prune your plant too much, it will hinder its growth.

If you are in doubt about how much to prune, you can always prune less and then evaluate again after a few weeks.

8. Post-pruning treatment

After pruning, you must fertilize your plants. Apply a generic, soluble fertilizer to them. Dilute it in water to avoid burning them and spread according to the product's instructions for use.

9. Cleaning dirt and dirt

Large plant species with wide leaves can accumulate a lot of dirt and dirt on their surface. To clean them, wipe them with a soft sponge or damp cloth, just with water.

Avoid using the same sponge or cloth for several plants to prevent the spread of bacteria and diseases from one to another. Do this regularly and they will always look bright and vibrant.

10. Don't over-irrigate

Understanding when to water a plant is essential in its care. To know when your plant needs to receive water, stick your finger approximately 2.5 cm into the soil. If it's not damp, it obviously needs water.

However, pay close attention not to over-irrigate. Loss of leaves, underdeveloped leaves with brown spots, moldy flowers and leaves are some signs that watering is being excessive.

Plantix – application that helps you grow plants

técnicas de poda para plantas plantixImage: Play Store

O Plantix is an application designed to identify plant diseases and offer different treatment options for them. Using a photo of the sick plant, the app provides the answers you need, based on its database. With it, you can learn more about plants for outdoor and indoor areas. And, of course, better understand when to prune tomatoes, for example.

Plantix is only available for Android.

Did you like our houseplant pruning guide?

In addition to being a beautiful decoration, being a “plant father” is a hobby that stimulates mental well-being, as it involves care and affection activities. Using the right pruning techniques for plants provides great benefits for them.

It is possible to create a harmonious and stunning look in your home plant just by taking good care of it. If you are a plant lover, follow these tips and achieve good health and a stunning look in your indoor garden, transforming your decor into a green paradise.

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Sophia Silva

Sophia Silva is a writer who has been writing about technology for over 5 years. Currently, it tends to focus on cutting-edge and current technologies, both in the areas of software and hardware.

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