Online pregnancy test: find out now if you might be pregnant

Take an online pregnancy test to find out your chances of being pregnant and whether you should take a traditional test


Do you think you might be pregnant? So, taking an online pregnancy test can help you. They are in the format of a questionnaire or quiz, where you answer some questions to get an answer about your chance of being pregnant. Then, depending on the answer, you can take a traditional test to check whether the pregnancy test will be positive or negative.

Who should take an online pregnancy test?

Everyone who thinks they might have gotten pregnant can benefit from it. Even though they cannot give an accurate result, they can still help to get a sense of the situation. This makes it easier to avoid unforeseen events and scares!



1. Clear Blue

Clear Blue Image:

The Clear Blue pregnancy test is one of the best out there, and the company also has an online pregnancy test in a quiz format. But I already say (and so do they) that this doesn't really exist, and to carry out a really effective test, you need one that identifies beta-HCG.


On the website, you answer some questions, such as which contraceptive method you are using and how long until your next period. Then, based on your answers, they give an estimate as to whether or not you may be pregnant. In addition, they show a list of several very early signs of pregnancy in the first week to help you understand what is happening.

Check out the Clear Blue questionnaire on the official website.

2. Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood teste de gravidez online


Do you already know Planned Parenthood? This is an American organization that offers affordable medical care and help with family planning. So they also have a pregnancy test quiz to see the chances of you being pregnant. In it, you answer questions such as your age, location and pregnancy symptoms. Then you get a relatively generic answer about it.

One of Planned Parenthood's biggest advantages is the amount of resources they have. For example, with it, you can learn more about how a pregnancy occurs, discover emergency methods of contraception and find out which contraceptive is ideal for you. The company also has a good app to track your period so you never forget to take your pill.

Check out Planned Parenthood's quiz on the official website.

3. Option Line

Option Line teste de gravidez onlineImage:

The last online pregnancy test quiz we're going to talk about is the one from Option Line. It is recommended for anyone who thinks they may be pregnant, and helps you understand the early pregnancy symptoms you may be experiencing. However, it does not replace a normal test.

This site is very similar to the previous ones, and you answer some questions about symptoms and sexual activity. Then, it gives you a score, and if a result is above 8, it recommends that you take a pregnancy test. The site also has live phone and chat support to talk to a real person and answer any questions you may have on the subject.

Check out the Option Line questionnaire on the official website.


1. Flo

Flo teste de gravidez onlineImage: App Store

One of the most complete, advanced and interesting applications for taking care of sexual health is Flo. It features an online pregnancy test in quiz format and a list of signs of pregnancy, but has advanced features to help you. With it, you can monitor your periods with very accurate predictions and check your fertile and ovulation window.

When it comes to pregnancy, Flo has information covering everything from conception to birth and motherhood. In other words, you can fully prepare yourself for everything that is to come! And the best part: you can add your partner so they can also see your data. A difference is the AI health assistant, which helps you when your period is late and when you have PMS symptoms.

Flo is available at Play Store for Android and App Store for iOS.

Read too: Apps to listen to your baby's heartbeat

2. Natural Cycles

Natural Cycles Image: App Store

Natural Cycles doesn't actually feature a pregnancy test. However, it is the only app approved for use as a contraceptive in the US and Europe. And, if you use it, you don't need to take the questionnaires on other platforms. This is because it monitors everything about your cycle and basal temperature. Therefore, you always know when you are going to menstruate and, if your temperature is high, it will indicate that you may have become pregnant.

One of the biggest differences of Natural Cycles is that it even works with those with irregular cycles, adapting with you. The app has several really cool features, such as a pregnancy calculator, a list of pregnancy symptoms, and even a calendar with days when you ovulate to replace the more traditional ovulation test. But remember that, no matter how effective it is, if you suspect a pregnancy, you must take a traditional test or exam!

Natural Cycles is available at Play Store for Android and App Store for iOS.

Take care of your reproductive health

If you think you have become pregnant, taking an online pregnancy test can help you. They can give you information about the chance of this happening. However, they do not replace traditional tests and exams. After all, to identify whether you are pregnant or not, you need to detect certain substances in your blood or urine.

And always keep in mind that if you have a teenage pregnancy or a geriatric pregnancy, or are in other risk groups, it is very important to visit your doctor. Only then will you be able to be sure of your health and deal with complications such as high blood pressure during pregnancy. And you don't want to let an ectopic pregnancy go unnoticed, right? This is a very severe condition that requires immediate treatment!

He cares for himself!

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Sophia Silva

Sophia Silva is a writer who has been writing about technology for over 5 years. Currently, it tends to focus on cutting-edge and current technologies, both in the areas of software and hardware.

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