Texts and AI: use technology to improve your writing 

Writing is an art that teaches and bothers many people. Become another one of its great masters!


It doesn't matter if your texts are merely informative, advertising or, as Machado de Assis would say, if they were written with the pen of fun and the ink of melancholy: technique, creativity and attention to detail are the driving force of any literary work.

It turns out that writing is an art that takes time and many years of practice until you are able to express yourself perfectly. And there is no way to speed up this process – at least not yet.


However, you can improve all your texts through Artificial intelligence (AI)! Want to know how? Follow the content until the end so you don't miss out on any details!


Your texts even better, thanks to algorithms 

Structuring a good essay is really challenging, especially if you don't have much experience. In some cases, even professionals in the field suffer: topics that are too complex or that are completely beyond their knowledge can take much longer to be properly completed, without conceptual errors. 


To solve this and many other problems, generative AI systems they produce written content and assist in research on practically every type of topic. All of this is due to the resounding success of ChatGPT (available on App Store and in Google Play), released on November 30, 2022; Since then, all major tech companies have joined the trend. 

But how does generative AI work, exactly? 

This category of Artificial Intelligence works as follows: to produce specific content, the user needs to write clear parameters about it. The answers from these algorithms are made in an extremely humanized way: it even feels like you are receiving answers from real people! 

The algorithms are trained by their developers using large databases, which contain all types of information. Unlike other types of AI, generative AI uses a deeper learning methodology called generative adversarial network (GAN). 

Everything is divided into two neural networks: one generator, responsible for creating new data, and another discriminating, which evaluates and filters this data. Both work together to generate accurate and understandable content for users. 

Therefore, the clearer and more succinct you are with an AI, the better your answers will be. Furthermore, she will learn from her own questions and become increasingly robust, too. 

Main advantages 

These are the 3 biggest benefits of using AI to produce texts, whatever they may be: 

  1. Agility: Text generating AIs can overcome your creative blocks and offer incredible ideas for your copy; 
  1. Revision: It is possible to use these generative technologies to review texts and obtain specific feedback on points that need improvement; 
  1. Price: These tools tend to be quite affordable, or even free. 

Tips for using AI in your texts 

Time to make your work even better with the help of cutting-edge technologies! Take advantage of each of them and optimize all your services: 

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Ask questions in very specific ways 

If you don't ask questions clearly and directly, you may not get the results you want. Misunderstandings don't just occur between people!

To avoid this type of inconvenience, or even unnecessary rework, think of keywords related to the subject you want clarification on. This type of procedure becomes increasingly natural and easier in your life, in addition to guaranteeing much better responses.

Train the AI 

As much as large companies train their software to know practically everything, wrong or inaccurate information can easily be found in the responses of generative AIs.

However, you can inform the algorithms about the error and teach them not to make it again. If you are an expert on a certain subject, take a few minutes of your time to prepare a complete correction.

Review the information 

Surprises and errors are always possible when it comes to working with AI. In general, services such as bard and the Copilot generally provide very good and accurate answers; however, they can also make serious analysis errors and mislead writers. 

If you are using AI for research, always remember to verify sensitive information before replicating it in your texts.  

Be very careful with plagiarism 

To prepare good answers, generative AIs use several excerpts of texts that already exist on the internet. Because of this, many writers are getting into big trouble: they are making algorithms write their texts almost completely, making it a true “Frankenstein” of already existing information.

This type of situation can drastically reduce the reach of your publications. Therefore, use these AI tools only to build on good ideas and, through them, create something unique and engaging.

A great help to get inspired 

As you can see, the algorithms are on your side, but you need to use them correctly to avoid serious mistakes, or even unnecessary accusations of plagiarism.

Try using Copilot within Microsoft Edge, Microsoft's official web browser, to write your texts: it can greatly reduce the time spent researching, as well as providing great ideas for filling your texts with useful information!

How about asking technology for a little help every now and then?

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Rafael Motta

Journalist, speaker, advertiser, CEO of the Três Pontos Comunicação agency and passionate about technology. I worked as editor-in-chief at some of the biggest news portals specializing in blockchain. Innovation is what moves me every day.

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