Use Trello to organize your business!

Organize your professional life, block by block.


Trello (download to Android It is iOS) is one of the most used tools around the world to organize work demand in companies. There is no shortage of reasons for this: its interface is quite simple and it is possible to create several parameters and permissions to make working from home incredibly easy and simple to carry out.

Want to know how to use the app to make your company more efficient? Check out this article until the end!


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What is Trello for?

In short, the software works as follows: users create cards containing tasks and categorize them according to their nature and urgency. It is an incredibly robust and functional project management tool.


Anyone who knows agile methodologies probably knows Trello: it works based on the kanban. It is one of the most consolidated workflows, given its simplicity and because it is straight to the point – as it should be.

Its block interface is very pleasant and it only takes a few moments to understand how it was configured by the administrators. Even users who have never used Trello will find it easy to learn how to use it.

Is Trello expensive?

Many of its basic features are available in the free version. Truth be told, most users don't need more than that to organize their professional life!

However, if you deem it necessary, you can choose between the Premium and Enterprise options. Each has specific advantages, such as:

Trello Premium

  • Unlimited views;
  • Advanced checklists;
  • Custom fields;
  • Advanced permissions;
  • Improved automation.

Trello Enterprise

  • Special and priority support;
  • Advanced reports;
  • Granular access control;
  • Integrations with identity management systems;
  • All the benefits of Premium.

Quite a lot, right? To find out which solution is ideal for your company, analyze in depth how your demand works and, therefore, choose the appropriate plan. 

Tips for organizing your business

Now that you know what Trello is and what it’s for, it’s time to get your hands dirty! With the tips below, your company will certainly become more productive and your spirits will be lighter, after all, a disorganized work area can stress anyone out!

Change frames according to priorities

Companies are like living organisms in constant motion: their survival depends on adapting quickly to changes. Check what is more or less urgent and reorganize the tables according to your needs.

If you are not careful with organization, you could accumulate dozens (or even hundreds!) of obsolete boards. Removing them will be a real problem and will take up a lot of your time! And time is money.

Always use labels

Many users still don't use labels on task cards: they don't know what they're missing! Tags help make everything more organized by grouping specific tasks in one place.

Just add a label to inform that a certain task is urgent, for example. This way, all team members will be notified and can work to meet the deadlines.

On the other hand, labels can serve to inform the sector responsible for that task. This way, no one will get confused and take services from other colleagues!

If you have the Premium or Enterprise version, you can create even more elaborate markings, with usage limitations according to collaborators' permissions. 

Use calendar mode

As great as the block organization method is, it's not effective for tracking time: for that, you can use Trello's calendar mode! View all day-to-day tasks, but according to date/time.

There are many cases in which professionals “abandon” the block method and work solely with the calendar. It is quite powerful, since all the features of the classic app are present in it; But the view is totally different.

This way, it is possible to prevent scheduling conflicts and better manage time in relation to more urgent tasks.

Work with checklists

How about creating more complex tasks, divided into steps and without having to create several cards for this purpose? This is perfectly possible with Trello.

Some tasks require several procedures to be carried out until completion; Through checklists, you can assign these steps in an advanced way and, as soon as they are completed, they will be crossed off by professionals.

This is an important tool in the app, as it allows users to know about the project's progress in a very clear and direct way. Furthermore, it will be easier to detect possible delays through the functionality! 

Manage member permissions

In the Premium and Enterprise versions, you can advancedly configure all work member permissions: decide who can (or cannot) move, delete or create certain boards. This is one of the most important settings of all – do it carefully!

Additionally, tasks can be automatically assigned to specific professionals. This way, no one will forget any important demands!

Chat on Trello

All boards support comments – and this is one of the most important features to ensure that teamwork flows correctly. If the demand needs any adjustments, please let us know in the comments.

You can chat in real time with teams, centralizing all business communication in one place. This is great, especially for compliance purposes.

Integrate Trello with other tools

Companies can integrate the tool with several others, such as Google Drive, Asana, Slack and Zoom, making them intercommunicable. Cool, huh?

This can be extremely useful if you have to share information with other companies, who probably use other tools to organize their own demands. Furthermore, some of them are better for certain niches than others; why not use them simultaneously?

Did you like getting to know Trello?

See how Trello is an incredibly powerful tool for improving your company? Even its free version can be more than enough for many businesses. However, you should carefully analyze your demand and find out if you need to subscribe to any of its paid versions.

What tool does your company use? How has your experience been?

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Rafael Motta

Journalist, speaker, advertiser, CEO of the Três Pontos Comunicação agency and passionate about technology. I worked as editor-in-chief at some of the biggest news portals specializing in blockchain. Innovation is what moves me every day.

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