Find out what this government program is about and how to take advantage of the social benefit.


Discover Auxílio Cesta Básica, a program launched by the Federal Government of Brazil, focused on assisting families in vulnerable situations.

How does the social program aimed at food distribution work?

Basic Food Basket Aid offers monthly financial support to families in economic vulnerability. The program offers financial support for the purchase of basic food baskets to those who can prove their need, and is aimed at families with an income of up to three minimum wages registered with CadÚnico.

Benefits of Basic Basket Aid

Financial support: The program offers monthly financial support to vulnerable families.
Focus on needs: The amount is intended for the purchase of basic foods, serving families with until 5 members.
Food card: Beneficiaries receive a card to purchase the basic food basket, facilitating the process.
Inclusion of certain groups of workers: Street vendors, street vendors, taxi drivers and other workers are eligible for the social benefit.
Centralized at Caixa Econômica Federal: The institution makes payments, ensuring efficiency and security.
Government efforts: The program is part of efforts to help families in situations of poverty and extreme poverty in the country.
Paula Santos
Paula Santos@paulavgsantos
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I receive the benefit and it helps a lot with the budget. It was easy to request with the CRAS guidelines.
Érica Passos
Erica Passos@ericareal
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As an app driver, the Basic Basket Aid came at a good time. It is a necessary initiative.
Pedro Batista
Pedro Batista@pedro_bat
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I didn't know this benefit existed. I'll see how to request it.

Common questions

Auxílio Cesta Básica is a Brazilian government program created to assist families in situations of economic vulnerability, providing financial value for the purchase of food and hygiene products.

Basic Food Basket Aid is aimed at families and people who face financial difficulties in accessing food. To be eligible, family income must be up to three minimum wages, and the family must be registered in the federal government's Single Registry, proving the need for the benefit.

No, some categories are not entitled to Basic Basket Aid. This includes those who already receive social security benefits, unemployment insurance, amounts from federal programs, public servants, and people who received monthly income in the last year.

To request Basic Basket Aid, the family needs to be part of the Single Registry, register or update the data at a nearby service point. You must seek information from the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) in your municipality and follow the guidelines for filling out forms.

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