Find out how to register for the free Digital TV Antenna Kit 


In this article, you access a complete guide on how to register for the Digital TV Antenna Kit, learning who is considered eligible, how installation and maintenance works and other details about the transition from analogue to digital signal.

Kit antena tv digital

What are the advantages of the Digital TV Antenna Kit?

  • Quality sign: These digital antennas guarantee a high quality signal, without interference from 5G technology

  • Free for Brazilians: This initiative offers free digital TV antenna to all eligible Brazilians

  • Complete installation kit: The free digital TV kit includes all the materials necessary for your television to function with even greater quality

  • Band reconfiguration: This program strengthens the transition from the C band to the so-called Ku band in Brazilian homes

  • Guaranteed technical support: When requesting the exchange of the device or satellite dish, beneficiaries have all the necessary technical support

What is the Digital TV Antenna Kit?

The Digital TV Antena Kit is a Federal Government program focusing on Brazilians in situations of social vulnerability who are registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico). However, as shown in the guide, registration depends on specific actions by interested citizens.

Maria Souza
Maria Souza@eumariasouzass
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Thanks to the Digital TV Antenna Kit, my family can watch quality television!
Sarah Silva
Sarah Silva@sarahsilva98
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I never had a problem with my television signal again after requesting the installation of my digital antenna
João Costa
João Costa@ojoaumcosta
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I loved the digital antenna service, registration was simple and quick!

Common questions

Through the Digital TV Antenna Kit program, you can switch from the analogue antenna to the new model, without paying anything during the installation and technical service provision. 

You can, as long as you are registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government, better known as CadÚnico. In the article, you can see all the steps for this procedure.

It is free, because it is an initiative that brought together Anatel, the Ministry of Social Assistance Development and the Siga Antenado program to bring this service to Brazilians.

As shown in the article, all questions can be answered at the service center of your region's city hall, or at the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) closest to you. 

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